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Valerie Fair was one of eleven artists selected by artist Randy Walker who produced Spring Crossing for his Scottsdale Public Art Installation.  Instead of throwing the used material pieces away he sought to reuse the strips of fabric.  Out of his environmental saving decision artist Valerie Fair brought to life the "Egungun Revisited" as her entry. 


The project took six months and was shown at the Gallery@ the Library Scottsdale Civic Center.  During the time there were many questionable murders of young men by the police. 


The Egungun is an African traditional figure used to relay the history of a particular nation and its lineage. The representation created by the artist held the sculptural figures of the South Carolina mass church murders, and talisman that contained the name of more that 40 young men and women killed during the period.  Some of the strips were left as is, to remind viewers of where the work started. 


It is very unfortunate that the murders continue and in response the artist creates "Young Lives Lost".

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